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New backlink strategy suitable with Google Penguin

by 2024

As we knew, on Aprill 2012 Google have made some change with their search algorithm, old algorithm is Google Panda was replaced by new search algorithm is Google Penguin and this new search algorithm tell us that we must have some change in backlink building strategy. In this post, we will say about the new methods in backlink building suitable with new algorithm and hope this post will help you some helpful thing in developing your site.

1. Natural backlink should be big proportion

What is natural backlink? This is the backlinks which are created naturally like someone refer to you or a short comment about your and link to your site is under natural achor text such as read more, click here, see more...That mean these backlinks is not backinks with perfect keywords. The natural backlink should be 60 percent in total. Ok done, the first advice is we should do the natural backlink with big proportion.

2. Diversify content of backlink, diversify anchor text

Google as pretty and difficult girl, when we flirting a girl we will not run to her and say with her that i am flirting you and this is repeated many time, this is really silly. Therefore, when building backlink, you should try diversify content and anchor text of backlink, don't repeat only one content of backlink. About achot text, as say before, natural backlink should be big proportion about 60 percent, anchor text of natural backlink should be long keywords contain your keyword or keywords contain your brand and keyword or a part of keyword, also your domain can be used one natural anchor text, or keywords like read more, click here to go, go here for more....The rest is perfect keyword, that mean perfect keywords is 30-40 percent in total.

3. Destination of backlink

We should create backlink spread to many pages, don't focus on pages we want to be on top, as when you love a girl, you should not care only her, you must care the people around her like her parent, her friends, her brothers...

4. Scale of backlink

You should build backlink suiltable with scale of your site. If your site is small scale with about 100 pages, you should create a little per day, this number can be increase or decrease depend of situation of your site ranking, if ranking up is decrease, if ranking down is increase. If you have any question about backlink building, you can contact us, we're happy if we can reply your question.

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